Construction of a GAK Filtration System for the Elimination of Trace Substances
Treated media: Municipal wastewater
Flow rate: 900 m3/h
Substances: Drug residues, Trace substances
Processes: Activated Carbon, Pressure filtration
Commissioning: 2022
KF Company: Bremer pro aqua GmbH

The city of Gütersloh operates the main sewage treatment plant Putzhagen, which has a capacity of 150,600 PE and a connection capacity of 145,000 PE. The city of Gütersloh is striving for further wastewater treatment at the Putzhagen sewage treatment plant. Based on the positive results of a concept study and the corresponding preliminary tests, the city of Gütersloh has decided to expand the existing Putzhagen wastewater treatment plant with a fourth treatment stage.
The aim of the fourth treatment stage is the elimination of trace substances by means of activated carbon filtration, which is to be operated as an independent treatment stage in the effluent of the existing flocculation filtration stage.
The work carried out on the new construction of the GAK filtration system essentially comprises:
- Dismantling of the existing sludge storage area to the construction site
- Raising the entire construction site
- Construction of a feed line from the existing filtration building via a newly built pipeline bridge to the GAK hall
- New construction of a steel hall
- Installation of 12 GAK boilers for the elimination of trace substances
- New construction of a switchgear as a prefabricated structure with associated electrotechnical measures
- New construction of a rinsing wastewater and filtrate storage tank made of glass-lined steel
- Installation of process engineering equipment to operate the newly planned trace substance elimination plant
- Construction of a new measuring and control shaft
- Construction of an infiltration trough
- Surface reinforcement
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