References and projects of the KF Group

Plant for River Water Treatment

Producer of Vegetables in a Large Greenhouse

The client operates one of the largest greenhouses in Germany, where they grow vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchinis. Depending on the growth phase, up to 350 m³ of treated water per day is needed to irrigate the plants. For optimal plant growth, low-salinity water with specifically added nutrients is used for irrigation. Drinking water from the public supplier is not available in sufficient quantities and is also too costly for vegetable production.

Weil Wasseraufbereitung GmbH was commissioned to build a new process water supply, including river water extraction, a roughly 350-meter underground transport pipeline, and the water treatment system. This system comprises coarse filtration, ultrafiltration, and a reverse osmosis unit with all auxiliary components, such as a CIP (clean-in-place) cleaning station. The facility operates fully automatically and includes remote access capabilities.

The entire project was completed within four months, from contract award to commissioning.

Treated media:
Surface water
Flow rate:
35 m3/h
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), Particles, Mineral salts, Turbidity
  • Edge split filter
  • Ultrafiltration
  • Reverse osmosis

Indoor Wasch- und Pflegecenter mit Doppelwaschstraße bei Nebo

Nebo, Hamilton (Kanada, Ontario)

Deutsche Wertarbeit wird auch in anderen Teilen der Welt sehr geschätzt. Eine neue große Waschstraße ist jetzt mit der Technik von deutschen Herstellern ...

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
2 x 60 m3/h
  • Flocculation
  • Glass bead filtration
  • Sedimentation

LKW Waschanlage bei der Spedition Bork

Spedition Bork, Langgöns (Deutschland)

Es entstand ein leistungsfähiger LKW Waschpark für die eigene große Fuhrparkflotte...

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
40 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Flocculation
  • Gravel filtration
  • Sedimentation

Exhaust Air Extraction and Treatment of a Large Sewage Treatment Plant

Wastewater treatment – StEB Köln

At the large sewage treatment plant in Cologne Stammheim, the old exhaust air systems were to be recombined and renewed. In this context, a new exhaust air treatment plant was built with photo-oxidation technology to remove odors and hydrogen sulphide.

Treated media:
Municipal wastewater, Air
Flow rate:
2 x 10.500 m3/h
Odors, H₂S
  • Activated Carbon
  • UV oxidation

Demineralized and Silica-free Water for Freshwater and Marine Aquariums

A total of 16 branches of a pet shop chain equipped throughout Germany

At the turn of the year 2022/2023, two (further) branches of a well-known German pet shop were equipped with water treatment systems. These systems are used to supply the aquariums with supplementary water to compensate for evaporation losses and as initial water when setting up new aquariums or for the necessary partial water exchange. The compact systems contain the necessary fine filtration, system separation, double softening and reverse osmosis system as a ready-to-connect unit on a space-saving stainless steel frame, which minimizes installation costs and time.

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
0,5 m3/h
Hormones, Drug residues, Pesticides, Silicates
  • Softening
  • Membrane process
  • Mixed bed filter
  • Reverse osmosis

Purification of Exhaust Air Containing Methanol

Medical technology

A cleaning solution containing methanol is used in the production of medical lenses. The resulting methanol vapours are extracted via the exhaust air duct and must be purified in order to comply with the limit value of 20 mg/m³ methanol before they are released into the environment. For this purpose, the exhaust air is led through the exhaust air purification module developed by uviblox, which consists of a UV purification stage with 120 UV-C lamps and a downstream activated carbon filter. Depending on the load of the exhaust air, the system switches the stages on and off.

Treated media:
Flow rate:
5.000 m3/h
  • Activated Carbon
  • UV oxidation

Ultrapure Water Treatment for Hydrogen Electrolysis

Manufacturer of hydrogen electrolysers

A well-known manufacturer of hydrogen electrolysers needs ultrapure water treatment for its development department and final inspection. WEIL Wasseraufbereitung was commissioned for this purpose.

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
0,12 m3/h
Total hardness, Mineral salts
  • Pressure boosting
  • Electrodeionization
  • Softening
  • Reverse osmosis

Exhaust Air Purification System for odor Reduction of Exhaust Gas Containing CHC

Groundwater remediation plant – Harbauer GmbH

In order to purify groundwater contaminated with CHCs, the water is first passed through a two-stage countercurrent desorption system in which the CHCs are converted into the gas phase. By means of UV oxidation, the pollutants are then oxidised and mineralised and the air can be released odourlessly into the environment.

Treated media:
Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
1000 m3/h
Benzene, CHC, Vinyl chloride
  • UV oxidation

Construction of a GAK Filtration System for the Elimination of Trace Substances

Stadt Gütersloh - Kläranlage Gütersloh – Putzhagen

The city of Gütersloh operates the main sewage treatment plant Putzhagen, which has a capacity of 150,600 PE and a connection size of 145,000 PE. The city of Gütersloh is striving for further wastewater treatment at the Putzhagen sewage treatment plant. Based on the positive results of a concept study and the corresponding preliminary tests, the city of Gütersloh has decided to extend the existing Putzhagen wastewater treatment plant by a fourth treatment stage.



Treated media:
Municipal wastewater
Flow rate:
900 m3/h
Drug residues, Trace substances
  • Activated Carbon
  • Pressure filtration

Construction of a Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) Plant for the Elimination of Trace Substances

Herforder Abwasser GmbH - Herford sewage treatment plant

Herforder Abwasser GmbH operates a wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 250,000 PE at the Goebenstraße site in Herford. The sewage treatment plant was built in 1994 according to the principle of biological filtration (Biostyr®). As part of the WFD assessment, new requirements were imposed relating to the construction of a plant for the elimination of micropollutants. After carrying out and evaluating pilot tests, it was decided to install a powdered activated carbon plant (PAC plant) as a fourth purification stage for trace elimination.

Treated media:
Municipal wastewater
Flow rate:
900 m3/h
Drug residues, Trace substances
  • Activated Carbon
  • Flocculation
  • Post-filtration
  • Sedimentation

Groundwater treatment plant for the purification of PFC and BTEX

on the former site of Tempelhof Airport

On the site of the "Old Port", in the central northern part of the former. From 2003 to 2018, groundwater contamination with BTEX was detected during investigations carried out at Tempelhof Airport. This is due to the handling of aviation gasoline (tank systems and tank farms) during the operating period of the "Old Port", from 1923–1945. In addition, MKW, PAH, LCKW, and PFT (perfluorinated surfactants) were detected at lower concentrations. PFT per-fluorinated surfactants (also PFC-perfluorinated compounds/chemicals) are available in concentrations of max. about 60 g/l contained in groundwater. The cause is the location of the renovation area "Old Port", downstream or by-stream of a former port. fire-fighting training grounds. PFCs have been used in extinguishing foams in fires of oil and fuel and are now largely banned.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
8 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Gravel filtration
  • Pump and Treat

Indoor Express-Waschcenter bei Glanzarena

Glanzarena, Kempten (Deutschland)

Einer der leistungsfähigsten neuen Wasch-Standorte geht in Kempten in Betrieb. Auf dem Förderband der Express-Waschstraße werden Fahrzeuge in einem separaten Vorsprühkreislauf ...

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
60 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Flocculation
  • Glass bead filtration
  • Sedimentation

Odor Reduction of Exhaust Air from Thick Sludge Loading

Wastewater treatment plant – Berliner Wasserbetriebe Schönerlinde

The exhaust air extracted from the screen building at the Ruhleben sewage treatment plant in Berlin is contaminated with hydrogen sulphide concentrations. During a preliminary planning phase, UV photo-oxidation was selected as the preferred process for implementation. UV photo-oxidation by uviblox GmbH treats odour-contaminated exhaust air containing hydrogen sulphide from the intake and lift of the screen building. Within the scope of the contract, this UV photo-oxidation replaces a 3-stage old biofilter system with a downstream activated carbon air filter.

Treated media:
Municipal wastewater, Air
Flow rate:
3.000 m3/h
Odors, VOC
  • Activated Carbon

Catalytic Oxidation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (CHCs)

Groundwater remediation plant – Harbauer GmbH

Within the scope of a groundwater remediation plant of Harbauer GmbH for the removal of hydrocarbons in the groundwater, uviblox supplied a system for the catalytic oxidation of chlorinated hydrocarbons from the exhaust air of a compact stripper as well as a reaction tank.

Treated media:
Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
400 m3/h
  • Catalytic oxidation

New Construction of a Reverse Osmosis Plant for the VW Plant in Emden

Volkswagen AG

The existing demineralized water system at the VW plant in Emden is to be adapted to the increasing demand for water. Large parts of the plant will be renewed and extended, while the basic process technology will be retained.

The contracted services include all necessary activities such as

  • Dismantling of existing plants, even under difficult conditions
  • Dismantling, sorting, transportation and provision for disposal of dismantled components, units, pipelines etc.
  • Creation of interim solutions to maintain the plant supply



Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
54 m3/h
Mineral salts
  • Fine filtration
  • Reverse osmosis
  • UV disinfection

Indoor Express-Waschcenter von Max Autowasch

Max Autowasch, Chemnitz (Deutschland)

Ein gelungener Umbau einer Waschstraße zur Express-Waschstraße mit Indoor Saugerhalle ...

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
60 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Flocculation
  • Glass bead filtration
  • Sedimentation

Waschstraße im australischen Brendale

New Retail Warehouse, Brendale (Australien)

Deutsche Wertarbeit wird auch in anderen Teilen der Welt sehr geschätzt. Eine neue  Waschstraße ist jetzt mit der Technik von deutschen Herstellern ausgestattet worden. Umgesetzt wurde das Vorhaben an der Ostküste Australien Bredale (Queensland)...

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
30 m3/h
  • Flocculation
  • Gravel filtration
  • Sedimentation

Treatment of Oil-containing Eastewater from the Bogie Cleaning of Trams

Municipal transport company

In a municipal transport company, the bogies of the trams are regularly cleaned and then serviced. During cleaning with high-pressure nozzles using drinking water and cleaning agents, oil-containing wastewater is produced, whereby the hydrocarbons are emulsified in the water. Weil Wasseraufbereitung was commissioned to design and install a treatment plant to remove the hydrocarbons from the wastewater.

Treated media:
Industrial effluent
Flow rate:
0,5 m3/h
Hydrocarbons, Oil
  • Fine filtration
  • Sedimentation
  • Ultrafiltration

Indoor Express-Waschcenter bei Auto-SPA in Arbon

Auto-SPA Arbon (Schweiz)

Der vierte der erfolgreichen Auto-SPA Standorte in der Schweiz (Arbon). Ein leistungsfähiger Express-Waschstraßen-Standort mit großer Indoor Saugerhalle...

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
40 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Flocculation
  • Glass bead filtration
  • Sedimentation
  • Reverse osmosis

Process Water Treatment at the Münchehofe Sewage Treatment Plant

Berliner Wasserbetriebe - Münchehofe sewage treatment plant

The two new purification stages of flocculation filtration and process water treatment at the Münchehofe sewage treatment plant target the residues of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus that have not yet been completely eliminated in biological purification. These nutrients are used as fertiliser in agriculture, but are therefore undesirable in water bodies. The biological process water treatment plant was built for the residual nitrogen. In it, so-called planctomycetes metabolise the nitrogen, which is mainly present as ammonium from the dewatering of the sewage sludge, in isolation from other bacteria in the biological treatment stage.

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
280 m3/h
  • Deammonification
  • Sequencing batch reactor

Decentralized Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Mali

Anonymous client

An anonymous client commissioned WEIL Wasseraufbereitung to construct a decentralized drinking water treatment plant at a location in Mali. The aim was to treat brackish groundwater containing manganese, iron and arsenic to drinking water quality.

Treated media:
Drinking water
Flow rate:
3 m3/h
Arsenic, Iron, Manganese, Mineral salts
  • Chlorination
  • Pressure boosting
  • Iron removal
  • Manganese removal
  • Deacidification
  • Cooling
  • Sedimentation
  • Reverse osmosis
  • UV disinfection

Disinfection of Exhaust Air from a Wastewater Treatment Plant

Food industry – Deutsche Extrakt Kaffee GmbH

Deutsche Extrakt Kaffee GmbH Berlin (hereafter DEK) has installed a biological wastewater treatment plant for the pre-treatment of its wastewater. Aerosols containing germs escape from the open aeration basins into the environment with a germ load of approx. 3,200 cfu/m³. This prompted DEK to supplement the biological wastewater treatment plant with a treatment of the exhaust air stream by means of an aerosol separator and UV disinfection system from uviblox.

Treated media:
Flow rate:
1800 m3/h
  • Demister
  • UV oxidation

Chlorine Gas Extraction of a Battery Recycling Plant

Facility for recycling lead from old car batteries

At a facility that recycles lead from old car batteries, the batteries are crushed. This usually produces sulphuric acid vapors, which make it necessary to wear respiratory protective equipment. In some cases, other batteries, so-called incorrect disposals, are crushed, releasing toxic chlorine gas. WEIL Wasseraufbereitung was commissioned to design and install a chlorine gas extraction system with separation of the sulphuric acid aerosols.

Treated media:
Flow rate:
30.000 m3/h
Chloric gas, Sulfuric acid
  • Suction
  • Demister

Conversion of the Aeration System at the Stade Sewage Treatment Plant to Pressurised Aeration

Abwasserentsorgung Stade

Abwasserentsorgung Stade is converting the aeration system of aeration tanks 4 and 5 at the Stade sewage treatment plant to pressurised aeration. This measure involves replacing the old roller aerators with fine-bubble pressurised aerators with efficient compressed air units. The aim is to maximise energy savings with a corresponding significant reduction in CO2 emissions.

Treated media:
Municipal wastewater, Air
Flow rate:
450 m3/h
COD, Nitrogen
  • Aeration
  • Biological treatment

Remediation of highly ferrous groundwater with volatile halogenated hydrocarbons (VHHs) contamination

Traktorenwerk Schönebeck

As part of a contaminated site survey in 1993/94, groundwater damage caused by volatile halogenated hydrocarbons (VHHs) was detected on the site, which has been used industrially for over 100 years. The polluted groundwater continues to contain very high iron and salt concentrations. At the end of 2019, Harbauer GmbH was awarded the contract for the remediation of contaminated sites and for the construction of groundwater remediation plant. You can find out more about the removal of vinyl chloride and other (VHHs) by means of desorption columns and catalytic oxidation in the following reference.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
8 m3/h
Iron, Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons, Vinyl chloride, VOC
  • Activated Carbon
  • Iron removal
  • Catalytic oxidation
  • Sedimentation

Construction of a new Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) Precipitation Plant

Abwasserverband Braunschweig - Steinhof sewage treatment plant

Sewage treatment plant Steinhof was overloaded in 2019 and the discharge limits for the parameters nitrogen and phosphorus could not be safely met. In order to optimise sludge treatment, a fundamental process conversion was carried out, the integration of thermal pressure hydrolysis and nutrient recovery from the sludge dewatering process water. The nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus are converted into agriculturally usable fertilizers. In this context, Bremer pro aqua designed a facility for MAP precipitation for phosphorus removal.


Treated media:
Municipal wastewater, Process water
Flow rate:
25 m3/h
  • CO₂ stripping
  • Crystallisation
  • MgCl₂

Groundwater remediation of volatile halogenated hydrocarbons

Buna Waterworks

The Schkopau site of DOW Olefinverbund GmbH has been a very intensively used area of the large-scale chemical industry for decades. Due to disruptions in production processes, leaks, accidents and transport losses, there were contamination of the environment up to the contamination of groundwater.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
30 m3/h
Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons, Vinyl chloride
  • Biological treatment
  • Ultrafiltration
  • UV oxidation

Indoor Express-Waschcenter von Niagara in Aachen

Niagara, Aachen (Deutschland)

Einer der leistungsfähigsten neuen Wasch-Standorte geht in Aachen in Betrieb. Auf dem Förderband der Express-Waschstraße werden Fahrzeuge in einem separaten Vorsprühkreislauf ...

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
80 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Flocculation
  • Glass bead filtration
  • Sedimentation

Construction and groundwater treatment during soil remediation

Lehrter Street in Berlin, Germany

In order to prevent a polluted outflow, the operation of a hydraulic safety device is required during soil remediation by means of large-bore bores. In order to comply with the discharge values for the direct discharge into the groundwater (re-infiltration), a groundwater purification plant from Harbauer was built for this purpose. For this purpose, two 20 m - deep safety wells are operated north and south of the rehabilitation area.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater
Flow rate:
10 m3/h
BTEX, MOH, PAH, Phenols
  • Activated Carbon
  • Gravel filtration
  • Coalescence separation
  • Sedimentation

Chlorine gas and hall air extraction system due to aggressive hall air


Clarios Recycling GmbH is a manufacturer of accumulators and has its own recycling plant for the recovery of raw materials from batteries and accumulators. When lead-acid batteries are accepted and stored in the storage boxes, it happens that chlorine gas is produced. In addition, in the recycling process of batteries and accumulators, sulfuric acid comes out, as a result of which acidic vapors are formed. Installed sensors register the concentration of chlorine gas and if the limit value is exceeded, the staff has to leave the hall so far.

Thanks to the newly installed extraction system, the chlorine gas is now extracted quickly and effectively, so that it is no longer necessary to leave production Hall D. In addition, a significant improvement in the quality of the hall air is achieved with the extraction.

Treated media:
Flow rate:
30.000 m3/h
Chlorobenzene, Odors
  • Adsorption
  • Chemical scrubber
  • Ultrafiltration

Groundwater treatment plant for the remediation of chlorobenzene damage

Niederau (Meißen)

At the site of the former Niederau regional camp, an intolerable groundwater damage has occurred as a result of an industrial pre-use lasting about 140 years.
As a result of the preliminary investigations, the group of chlorobenzenes could be detected as a conductive pollutant in terms of the amount of substance and the hazard potential.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater
Flow rate:
11 m3/h
Chlorobenzene, Iron, Manganese
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon
  • Iron removal
  • Manganese removal
  • Precipitation
  • Gravel filtration
  • Pump and Treat

Exhaust Air Purification Plant for the Reduction of Hydrogen Sulfide (H₂S)

Emscher sewer system (Emschergenossenschaft)

In the context of the new construction project for the Emscher sewer (AKE), there was a requirement to reduce the hydrogen sulphide concentration in the air space of the sewer pipe by exhaust air extraction. The odor potentials typical of wastewater are present in the resulting exhaust air. To avoid odor nuisance to the surrounding area, the entire first construction section of the Emscher sewer was equipped with 33 UV systems from uviblox GmbH for exhaust air purification over a length of 26 km at 28 locations.

Treated media:
Municipal wastewater, Air
Flow rate:
5.000-50.000 m3/h
Odors, H₂S
  • UV oxidation

Indoor Express-Waschcenter bei EFA-LEY Carwash

EFA-LEY Carwash, Karlsruhe (Deutschland)

Einer der leistungsfähigsten neuen Wasch-Standorte der EFA-LEY Carwash geht in Karlsruhe, Lorbeerweg  in Betrieb...

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
80 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Flocculation
  • Glass bead filtration
  • Sedimentation

Indoor Wasch- und Pflegecenter mit Doppelwaschstraße bei AutoSPA

AutoSPA, Missisauga (Kanada, Ontario)

Deutsche Wertarbeit wird auch in anderen Teilen der Welt sehr geschätzt. Eine neue große Waschstraße ist jetzt mit der Technik ...

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
2 x 60 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Flocculation
  • Glass bead filtration
  • Sedimentation

Indoor Express-Waschcenter bei LIGA Autowaschcenter

LIGA Autowaschcenter Wil (Schweiz)

Als eines der bislang größten Indoor Waschcenter im anspruchsvollen Design und betont hochwertigem Auftritt präsentiert sich das LIGA Waschcenter in Wil. Die ca. 40 Meter messende Express-Waschstraße ...

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
60 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Flocculation
  • Glass bead filtration
  • Sedimentation
  • Reverse osmosis

Construction of a New Gas Purification Plant at the Bülk Sewage Treatment Plant

State Capital Kiel - Bülk sewage treatment plant

The state capital Kiel operates a sewage treatment plant with a capacity of 375,000 PE at the Strande, Bülker Huk site. The operator's strategic goal is to modernize the existing gas utilization plant, which has been in operation since 1994. A combined heat and power plant consisting of four modules is currently available to utilize the digester gas as an energy source and is now due for renewal due to its service life and the need to adapt to the changed quantities of digester gas. The gas purification plant is to go into operation as an early measure in order to fulfill the requirements of the licensing authority with regard to TA-Luft and the formaldehyde value in the exhaust gas.


Treated media:
Flow rate:
800 m3/h
H₂S, Siloxane
  • Activated Carbon
  • Biogas purification

Biological in-situ groundwater remediation

former glass factory in Achern

In order to control the implementation of a biological in-situ groundwater remediation on the site of the former glass factory in Achern, a modular remediation plant was manufactured in two insulated ISO sea containers. There are 5 production wells and 14 infiltration wells at the rehabilitation site.

The principle of biological in-situ remediation is based on the stimulation of pollutant-degrading microorganisms in the groundwater. For this purpose, groundwater is removed in the polluted area, nutrients are added and the area re-infiltrated. With the help of frequency-controlled well pumps and magnetic-inductive flow meters, the individual delivery rates between 0.5 and 3 m3/h are automatically regulated. The maximum total conveying rate of the remediation plant is up to 15 m3/h.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
3 m3/h
BTEX, Iron, Manganese, PAH
  • Biological treatment
  • In situ

Treatment of benzene and hydrogen sulfide contaminated exhaust air

Black Pump PS 7

Very strong-smelling exhaust air contaminated with benzene and hydrogen sulfide is sucked out of a sewage shaft on the site of the power plant Schwarze Pumpe in Sachsen, Germany and is then purified via an activated carbon filter stage.

The concept of exhaust air purification provides that the air is purified in a two-stage filter system, consisting of working and police filters to concentrations below the permissible limits below the german regulatory “Technische Anleitung zu Luftreinhaltung (TA-Luft).

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
600 m3/h
Benzene, H₂S
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon
  • Ultrafiltration

Groundwater treatment plant for the purification of pesticides in a drinking water protection area

Berlin Wuhlheide

Since 2000, the pesticides mecoprop and dichlorprop have been detected in groundwater in the area of the Brunnengalerie Ost at the site of the Wuhlheide waterworks. A groundwater treatment plant was built and put into operation in 2002 to avert danger. Due to the construction of new defensive wells (Mec 1-3) and the resulting changed hydraulic conditions as well as the increased pollutant concentrations, Harbauer GmbH received the order for the construction of a new groundwater treatment plant at the end of 2017.

In order to protect the incoming flood, contaminated groundwater must be pumped out of three wells and treated on site in the groundwater treatment plant.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
120 m3/h
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon
  • Gravel filtration

Remediation of groundwater contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons

Chemical Plant "Altes Land"

A site of a chemical plant in the "Old Country" a region in the east of Germany has been a very intensively used area of the chemical industry for decades. Due to disruptions in production processes, leaks, accidents and transport losses, contamination of the environment up to the contamination of groundwater occurred. Chlorinated hydrocarbons play an essential role here. The high iron concentrations in the groundwater make it difficult to treat the water at the site.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
50 m3/h
Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons, Vinyl chloride
  • Activated Carbon
  • Desorption
  • UV oxidation

Process water and rainwater treatment plant in modular container design for removal of heavy metal

b.i.o. Velten

Contaminated rainwater and process water is produced on the site of a soil cleaning plant. This is primarily contaminated by dissolved heavy metals, as well as various hydrocarbons (HCs), adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOXs), aromatic hydrocarbons (BTEX -benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) and volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC/VOC ).

To clean the groundwater, Harbauer has designed and built a cleaning system in modular container design, in which different cleaning stages for the treatment of the pollutant mixture were combined.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
30 m3/h
Arsenic, BTEX, Chromium, Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons, Heavy metals
  • Activated Carbon
  • Precipitation
  • Flocculation
  • Ion exchange
  • Sedimentation

Decentralized Seawater Desalination System in the Baltic Sea

Lighthouse in the Baltic Sea

WEIL Wasseraufbereitung was commissioned to build a decentralized seawater desalination system for the production of drinking water. The drinking water is used by the pilots at a pilot station in the Baltic Sea. The special feature is the location on a lighthouse on a small artificial island off the mainland.

Treated media:
Drinking water
Flow rate:
0,1 m3/h
Mineral salts
  • Deacidification
  • Filtration
  • Gravel filtration
  • Reverse osmosis
  • UV disinfection

New Construction of an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Metal Industry

Deutsche Nickel GmbH

Today, Deutsche Nickel GmbH produces semi-finished products made of nickel and nickel alloys at its Schwerte site. The production wastewater produced there is treated together with wastewater from another company in the company's own central wastewater treatment plant and then channelled into the municipal sewage system. In order to guarantee both technically safe and economically attractive wastewater treatment in the future, Deutsche Nickel GmbH has realized the construction of a new plant that will exclusively treat wastewater from Deutsche Nickel.


Treated media:
Industrial effluent
Flow rate:
12 m3/h
Heavy metals
  • Decomplexation
  • Flocculation
  • Gravel filtration

Exhaust Air Purification Plant for the Degradation of Solvents (VOC)

Chemical industry - KLEBCHEMIE M. G. Becker GmbH &Co. KG

In the production plant at the Weingarten site of KLEBCHEMIE M. G. Becker GmbH &Co. KG, process-typical VOC emissions with concentrations of up to 12 g/m³ are generated during the processing of adhesives. These are collected and degraded by means of catalytic oxidation with an upstream UV stage in order to comply with the limit values according to TA Luft (Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control).

Treated media:
Flow rate:
400 m3/h
  • Catalytic oxidation
  • UV oxidation

Exhaust Air Purification System for Odor Elimination

Berliner Wasserbetriebe - Klärwerk Ruhleben

The exhaust air extracted from the screen building at the Ruhleben sewage treatment plant in Berlin is contaminated with hydrogen sulphide concentrations. During a preliminary planning phase, UV photo-oxidation was selected as the preferred process for implementation. UV photo-oxidation by uviblox GmbH treats odour-contaminated exhaust air containing hydrogen sulphide from the intake and lift of the screen building. Within the scope of the contract, this UV photo-oxidation replaces a 3-stage old biofilter system with a downstream activated carbon air filter.

Treated media:
Municipal wastewater, Air
Flow rate:
6.000 m3/h
Odors, VOC
  • UV oxidation

Exhaust air purification system against high hydrogen sulfide values


Three sand traps are operated at the Schönerlinde sewage treatment plant. In the area of these sand traps, exceedances of the permissible hydrogen sulfide concentrations were detected. The emissions are to be captured by an on-site cover and the hydrogen sulfide is to be removed from the exhaust air stream with the exhaust air purification system. The task of the exhaust air purification system is to extract the gas space from the sand trap and clean the contaminated exhaust air. The purified exhaust air is then released to the environment.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
2000 m3/h
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon

Hydraulic rehabilitation of an outflow vane

BASF Oldenburg

In the area of the premises of BASF Coatings Oldenburg GmbH, contamination of groundwater with VHH (volatile halogenated hydrocarbons), in particular tri-and tetrachloroethene, has been detected, which is being rehabilitated by a hydraulic measure on the premises. During further investigations, it was found that the groundwater contamination had spread to such an extent that it was not covered by this measure. According to the risk assessment carried out, measures are required to secure the outflow vane with a total of 2 delivery wells.


Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
10-40 m3/h
Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon
  • Gravel filtration

Facility for Removing Heavy Metals from Precipitation Water

Used battery recycling plant

Despite daily cleaning of the yard areas with wet sweeper machines, the rainwater that accumulates on the premises and roof areas of an old battery recycling company is contaminated with lead and other heavy metals. Weil Wasseraufbereitung was commissioned to plan and construct a rainwater treatment plant to minimise the entry of heavy metals into the nearby receiving water. Due to the limited space available on the customer's premises, the available floor space was limited and meant that the entire plant had to extend over three levels with intermediate floors made of a steel structure. The planning and execution of the steel structure to accommodate the entire plant was part of the planning and delivery scope.

Treated media:
Industrial effluent
Flow rate:
25 m3/h
Heavy metals
  • Precipitation
  • Filtration
  • Flocculation
  • Neutralization
  • Sludge thickening
  • Sludge dewatering
  • Sedimentation

Saving Water and Energy by Optimizing the Existing Plant

Production of expanded polypropylene (EPP) parts for the automotive and logistics industries

Saturated steam and cooling water are used for the production of system elements made from expanded polypropylene. The condensed steam and cooling water are returned to the cooling water basin after the production process. The process requires a lot of municipal drinking water and energy. At the same time, wastewater is produced. WEIL Wasseraufbereitung was commissioned to optimize the water and energy cycle of the plant.

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
22 m3/h
  • Activated Carbon
  • Softening
  • Gravel filtration
  • Reverse osmosis

Well Water Treatment and Water Saving Through Water Reuse

Manufacturer of special textiles for industrial use

A manufacturer of special textiles for industrial use has significant water requirements and wastewater generation during production. On the one hand, groundwater extraction in the region is limited due to a water protection area, which forces the manufacturer to introduce water-saving measures in process water treatment. Secondly, the limit value for chloride in the treated wastewater, which is discharged directly, was lowered by the lower water authority, forcing the company to reduce the chloride load of the process and thus wastewater. WEIL Wasseraufbereitung was commissioned to design and construct a suitable process water treatment system.

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
60 m3/h
Total hardness, Mineral salts, Silicates
  • Nanofiltration
  • Reverse osmosis

Groundwater purification of VHHs


The Schkopau site of DOW Olefinverbund GmbH has been a very intensively used area of the large-scale chemical industry for decades. As a result of the use of the production facilities, leaks, accidents and transport losses, contamination of the environment and, last but not least, contamination of groundwater with components of the production process occurred. Chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons play an important role in this process. As a result of a tender, the company Harbauer GmbH was commissioned with the construction and operation of a groundwater purification plant.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
30 m3/h
Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons
  • Activated Carbon
  • Desorption
  • Catalytic oxidation

Groundwater purification of VOCs

"Alte Königsheide Süd" site in Berlin-Treptow

Groundwater contamination by LCKWs exists at the "Alte Königsheide Süd" site in Berlin-Treptow. A GWR was built in the 1990s to prevent the spread of the pollutant plume to the wells of the Johannisthal drinking water plant located in the downstream area. Since then, a well-defence gallery has been operated.

Two desorption columns are used to eliminate pollutants.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
240 m3/h
  • Desorption
  • UV oxidation

Indoor Express-Waschcenter bei AutoSPA in Chur

AutoSPA Chur (Schweiz)

Der erste der erfolgreichen Auto-SPA Standorte in der Schweiz (Chur). Ein leistungsfähiger Express-Waschstraßen-Standort mit Indoor Saugerhalle.

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
40 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Flocculation
  • Glass bead filtration
  • Sedimentation
  • Reverse osmosis

Cleaning of Exhaust Air Containing Solvents (VOC)

Chemical industry – Nitrochemie Aschau GmbH

During the production of propellant charges in the civil and military sector, exhaust air containing solvents (VOCs) is released. The resulting vapours are extracted via the exhaust air duct and were previously eliminated by means of a thermal afterburning system. This was replaced by a new plant with uviblox technology. Both direct and regenerative photo-oxidation are used.

Treated media:
Flow rate:
5.500 m3/h
  • Adsorption
  • UV oxidation

Indoor Express-Waschcenter von Dico in Troisdorf

Dico, Troisdorf-Spich (Deutschland)

Ein besonders leistungsfähiges Indoor Waschcenter in wertiger Beton-Optik entstand bei Dico in Troisdorf. Die Express-Waschstraße wird von der Nais Doppelanlage ...

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
60 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Flocculation
  • Glass bead filtration
  • Sedimentation

New Construction of the Bexhövede Waterworks

Wesernetz Bremerhaven GmbH & Co.KG

swb Netze Bremerhaven GmbH & Co. KG operates the Bexhövede waterworks to supply drinking and service water to the southern supply area of the city of Bremerhaven. The waterworks was commissioned back in 1893 and was last extended in 1967/68. The waterworks is now in need of considerable refurbishment with regard to the plant technology. Based on risk analyses and optimization studies, the waterworks will be completely rebuilt on the site next to the existing waterworks.

Treated media:
Drinking water
Flow rate:
700 m3/h
  • Aeration
  • Iron removal
  • Manganese removal
  • Post-filtration
  • Pre-filtration

Neutralization plant for the neutralization of the Scheibesee

Lake Scheibesee

In this project, Lake Scheibesee, a renatured open-cast mine, which is acidified by accompanying materials from open-cast lignite mining (pH value of about 2.7), was rehabilitated.

The project was carried out in a project group, GMB mbH was the coordinating part, IWSÖ, an institute of BTU, took over the sea monitoring and the evaluation of the data, Harbauer GmbH designed, built, and operated the plant.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
1000 m3/h

Groundwater treatment plant for CFC contaminated groundwater

Ostendstraße, Berlin Köpenick

At the Ostendstraße site in Berlin Köpenick, CFC (chlorofluorocarbons) damage was detected in groundwater in 2005, which has been hydraulically rehabilitated by the Harbauer GmbH groundwater purification plant since 2013. The measure serves to protect the transfer path to the Wuhlheide water treatment plants.

The raised water's CFC contaminations are removed using a three-stage desorption unit, and the resulting process exhaust air is burned in a catalytic oxidation plant to produce water, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen halides. The process air for stripping is circulated so that no exhaust air is produced.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
15 m3/h
  • Desorption
  • Catalytic oxidation

Construction of 5 exhaust air purification plants

Schwarze Pumpe

In the course of years of industrial use, a complex contamination of the soil and groundwater has occurred at the Schwarze Pumpe site. This damage is being repaired on site via a groundwater treatment plant (GWRA). During the operation of this GWRA, benzene-and hydrogen sulfide-containing exhaust air is produced.

In order to ensure compliance with legal environmental and occupational health and safety requirements, Harbauer GmbH was commissioned with the cleaning of the exhaust air containing pollutants.

Treated media:
Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
45 m3/h
Benzene, H₂S
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon

Anaerobic Industrial Wastewater Treatment in the Brewing Industry

OETTINGER Brauerei GmbH Mönchengladbach

Oettinger produces beer and soft drinks at its Mönchengladbach site. Wastewater is produced in the brewhouse and in the bottling plant. This wastewater is partially screened and then fed into the municipal sewage treatment plant. The energy content of the wastewater stream is so high that it makes sense to utilize it for energy production under today's conditions. For this purpose, an anaerobic wastewater pre-treatment plant was built on the company premises, which ensures efficient energy recovery through the biogas produced in the reactor and subsequent utilization in the boiler house.


Treated media:
Biogas, Industrial effluent
Flow rate:
105 m3/h
  • Anaerobic digestion
  • Biogas desulfurization
  • Mixing and equalizing reservoirs

Groundwater treatment plant for the purification of BTEX and PAH

Gas Plant Luxemburg

At the water treatment plant at the gas plant in Luxembourg, an oil-containing drilling emulsion was extracted, which was then cleaned.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
30 m3/h
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon
  • Phase separation

Chemical washing for the purification of ammoniac-containing exhaust air


For the emptying of a large ammonia storage tank (about 5,000 m3), a chemical wash with 20% sulfuric acid was designed and implemented for the purification of ammonia-containing exhaust air.

During the chemical washing, the ammonia-containing exhaust air was brought into contact with the washing liquid (sulfuric acid) in countercurrent in a PE column, and the ammonia was subsequently dissolved from the exhaust air to form an ammonium salt in the washing liquid.

Treated media:
Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
2000 m3/h
  • Chemical scrubber

Groundwater treatment plant for the purification of MKW and PAH

former military airfield Großenhain

Due to the decades of use of the former military airfield Großenhain, extensive soil and groundwater contamination occurred in the area of the KS 6 tank farm on a total area of 20,500 m2 and an affected volume of about 74,000 m3 by MKW, BTEX, and other nuclear power plants as well as by PAK.

The rehabilitation area is crossed by parallel ditches, which are alternately used as extraction and infiltration ditches.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater
Flow rate:
45 m3/h
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon
  • Biological treatment
  • Phase separation

Groundwater purification of MKW, BTEX, PAH, and phenols

Kanalstraße (Canal Street), Berlin

Among the plots Kanalstr. 43-51 in Berlin-Neukölln, there is soil and groundwater contamination with BTEX, LHKW, PAK, MKW, and PCB. A groundwater protection measure is being carried out at the site to protect the adjacent Teltow Canal. The pollutants are in the wells at concentrations of up to 350 mg/l MKW, 60 mg/l BTEX, 180 mg/l LHKW, and 100 mg/l PAK.

Groundwater is lifted from four wells and cleaned via a groundwater treatment plant.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
5 m3/h
BTEX, MOH, PAH, PCBs, Phenols
  • Biological treatment
  • Desorption
  • Catalytic oxidation

Construction water treatment plant for the removal of suspended solids and oil


At the Stockholm location, Harbauer GmbH has built and operated a plant for the treatment of construction water from a tunnel construction project.

The aim of the plant was to remove suspended solids and the oil phase from the wastewater. For this purpose, the water was passed over a 75 m3 sedimentation tank in the first process step according to a distributor template. This served to separate the floating oil phase as well as remove suspended solids.This was followed in the second process step by a further sedimentation tank for sedimentation of the remaining suspended solids.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater
Flow rate:
18 m3/h
  • Phase separation
  • Sedimentation

Exhaust Air Purification System for the Reduction of Odor Emissions

Food industry – Unilever Deutschland GmbH Heilbronn

The production of spice mixtures by Unilever Deutschland GmbH in Heilbronn generates various odour emissions with a concentration of about 1.1 million GE/m³, which are a strong nuisance for employees and residents. uviblox GmbH was commissioned to plan and build a UV oxidation plant that removes the emissions with a purification efficiency of over 90 %.

Treated media:
Flow rate:
2.000 m3/h
  • UV oxidation

Groundwater treatment plant for the removal of VOC, VC and BTEX

Krüllstraße, Berlin

Decades of laundry operation on Kiefholzstr./Krüllstr. in Berlin-Treptow/Köpenick resulted primarily in LCCW contamination in the soil and groundwater.
For cleaning the groundwater, Harbauer has built a groundwater purification plant at this location for a short time.

The contaminated water was conveyed to the plant via a regulated well pump and the flow was recorded with an inductive flow meter.

The first process stage consisted of two desorption columns connected in series, which converted LHC pollutants into the gas phase by the countercurrent principle. The column sumps served as a template for the pressure increase stages.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
10 m3/h
  • Desorption
  • Catalytic oxidation

Exhaust Air Purification of Solvent-Containing Exhaust Air in the Chemical Industry

Chemical industry – Otto Chemie

The chemical industry for sealants and adhesives produces solvent-containing exhaust air of approx. 12,000 m³/h with pollutant concentrations of 300 to 700 mg/m³ from production areas and cleaning work. uviblox GmbH was commissioned to plan and construct a system for VOC removal by means of UV photooxidation in order to achieve pollutant concentrations below a value of 50 mgC/m³.

Treated media:
Flow rate:
12.000 m3/h
Odors, VOC
  • Adsorption
  • UV oxidation

Groundwater treatment plant for the purification of chromium, PFT, PFOA

Hennekamp in Düsseldorf

The groundwater remediation plant at Hennekamp in Düsseldorf was built in 2009 to protect against chromium contamination. The main stress component is chromium (VI) from electroplating contamination. The chromium contamination was accompanied by a PFT load (per fluorinated surfactants) including PFOA.

The plant works with the following stages of treatment:

  • GW-pumping over 3 wells
  • Reduction stage (reduction of chromium (VI) to chromium (III) with sodium dithionite)
  • Gravel filter stage
  • Absorption stage for chromium removal
  • Water activated carbon stage for PFT and PFOA removal

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater
Flow rate:
50 m3/h
Chromium, PFAS, PFOA
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon

Groundwater treatment plant for the removal of benzene

DOW Terneutzen, Nl

At the Terneutzen site, the exhaust air from its own wastewater treatment is treated for the chemical company DOW. Concentrations of up to 400 mg/L of benzene are transferred from the wastewater to the exhaust air. The exhaust air purification system, a catalytic oxidation system, consists of:

  • The reactor for receiving the catalyst
  • Air-to-air Heat Exchanger
  • Blower for raw air
  • Desulfurization unit
  • LEL Monitoring

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
2000 m3/h
  • Catalytic oxidation

Remediation of chloraniline damage by means of Pump & Treat

Hauptstraße, Berlin

Between 1870 and 1990, the site at Hauptstraße 9-10 in 10317 Berlin was used, among other things, for paint and varnish production. The soil today is contaminated with a mixture of chloranilines, chlorobenzenes, and chloronitrobenzenes, typical for such farms.

A pump-and-treat measure was implemented for the renovation.
By pumping out contaminated water in the outflow, an additional groundwater sink is created, which ensures that further contaminated water flows in.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater
Flow rate:
30 m3/h
Arsenic, Chlorobenzene
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon
  • Gravel filtration

Biological groundwater purification of alkylphenols


As a result of many years of commercial use of large areas of a former industrial estate. paint resin factory as well as partial surfaces of the former. Before 1990, considerable deposits of aromatics (BTEX and alkylbenzenes), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and, above all, phenols (alkylphenols) entered the subsoil at the site of the diesel engine plant in Schönebeck (Elbe). The concentrations of both phenols are up to 120 mg/l and for BTEX, up to 10 mg/l.

The contaminated water is removed from three drains, then fed to the plant where it is cleaned and infiltrated into the subsoil via another horizontal drainage. This creates an underground flushing field in order to remove further pollutants from the soil matrix and clean them in the system.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
7 m3/h
Alkylphenols, BTEX, PAH, Phenols
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon
  • Biological treatment
  • Iron removal

Groundwater treatment plant for the removal of phenazone, BTEX, H₂S

Altana, Oranienburg

The renovation is carried out on the basis of the underground de-icing and pollutant elimination process (UES process). In addition to on-site cleaning, essential pollutant elimination takes place in-situ.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater
Flow rate:
75 m3/h
BTEX, H₂S, Phenazone
  • Adsorption
  • Activated Carbon
  • Desorption

Groundwater treatment plant for the purification of VHH and benzene

Berlin Chemie

Due to years of continuous use as a chemical industry site, a complex contamination of pollutants in groundwater developed at the Berlin Chemie site.

Harbauer has designed and built a plant for the remediation of pollutant contamination and has been operating it since 2004.

Upstream deironing, a multistage desorption plant with downstream biological treatment, arsenic removal, and a safety activated carbon stage for HCH adsorption are the plant's process stages.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
60 m3/h
Arsenic, Benzene, Chlorobenzene, Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons
  • Biological treatment
  • Desorption
  • Iron removal
  • Catalytic oxidation

Groundwater treatment plant for the removal of arsenic and cyanide

Lacufa I-III, Berlin

Harbauer GmbH has been operating a groundwater remediation plant at the Lacufa site since 2000, with a plant availability of 99%.

The main problems of contaminated groundwater are the very high arsenic and cyanide loads, accompanied by a strong suspended matter load.

For cleaning, 18 speed-controlled pumps first convey the contaminated groundwater into the groundwater treatment plant at a constant flow rate.
In the first process step, the water is sent via a corrugated plate separator in order to free the water from solids and suspended solids.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater
Flow rate:
77 m3/h
Arsenic, Zyanide
  • Adsorption
  • Ion exchange

Desorption and exhaust gas catalysis of CHC and BTEX

Spreeknie Technology and Start-up Center

As part of the groundwater remediation in the Spreeknie Technology and Start-up Center, CKW, CFC, and BTEX loads were cleaned.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
27 m3/h
  • Desorption
  • Catalytic oxidation

Chromate Decontamination and Neutralization Precipitation with Carbonic Acid

Metal processing company

A metal processing company produces alkaline waste water containing chromium. In 1994, WEIL Wasseraufbereitung GmbH (then WEIL Industrieanlagen GmbH) designed and built a wastewater treatment system based on previous laboratory tests. Since then, the highly alkaline wastewater containing chromium(VI) oxide has been treated to such an extent that it can be discharged indirectly.

Treated media:
Process water
Flow rate:
1 m3/h
  • Filtration
  • Flocculation
  • Neutralization
  • Reduktion

Biological groundwater treatment of BTEX and PAH

Ernst-Thälmann-Park, Berlin

On the site of today's Ernst-Thälmann-Park in the Prenzlauer Berg district lies one of the largest groundwater damage in Berlin. Because of the long-term use of the site as a gas plant and improper dismantling, the groundwater is very heavily contaminated with typical gas plant-specific pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), BTEX, and mineral oil hydrocarbons (MKW). In addition, there are loads containing ammonium and cyanides. On behalf of the Berlin Senate, Harbauer GmbH has been operating a groundwater purification plant at the site since 2004, which was supplemented in 2022 by an overgrown soil filter to remove ammonium.

Treated media:
Soil, Groundwater, Air
Flow rate:
20 m3/h
  • Biological treatment
  • Ion exchange