Groundwater treatment plant for the removal of arsenic and cyanide
Treated media: Soil, Groundwater
Flow rate: 77 m3/h
Substances: Arsenic, Zyanide
Processes: Adsorption, Ion exchange
Commissioning: 2000
KF Company: Harbauer Berlin GmbH

The water then flows through six gravel filters operated in parallel to remove the last suspended solids and iron.
In the course of this deironing, a large part of the arsenic is already deposited. The residual amount of arsenic is eliminated via AdsorpAs fixed bed filters.
For cyanide removal, the wastewater stream is fed to a three-stage filtration in the last process step. In this, the wastewater stream is sent via three ion exchangers, which ensure the safe cleaning of the cyanide. The charged ion exchanger is regenerated on site by rinsing with sodium hydroxide solution. The eluate is prepared by means of iron salts; insoluble cyanide complexes are formed.
The processed eluate is dewatered via a chamber filter press and the filter cakes are disposed of in an incineration plant.
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