Odor Reduction of Exhaust Air from Thick Sludge Loading
Treated media: Municipal wastewater, Air
Flow rate: 3.000 m3/h
Substances: Odors, VOC
Processes: Activated Carbon
Commissioning: 2021
KF Company: uviblox GmbH
At the sewage treatment plant in Schönerlinde, thick sludge from the wastewater treatment process is loaded onto trucks for further transport. In the process, odours are emitted, which are mainly caused by hydrogen sulphide being released. In order to eliminate the odour emissions that arise, BWB commissioned uviblox with an exhaust air extraction and cleaning system.
Exhaust air purification system uviblox® FOX
The system consists of two activated carbon tanks with a bulk volume of 2 m³ each, which treat a volume flow of 3,000 m³/h of exhaust air. In addition to the construction and commissioning of the exhaust air extraction and purification, uviblox was also commissioned with regular maintenance and the exchange of activated carbon.
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